Jeremie’s Mission

By Benjamin Ward



5/7/2026, 5.00am

HARRY KANE … HE SHOOTS…HE SCORES, ENGLAND WIN THE WORLD CUP… Wait. Never. Jeremie woke up from his brilliant dream and realised, alas, England didn’t win the world cup [sorry to everyone who thought they had] and that he needed to do his homework. Great, another boring two hours of chemistry [ugh] for him.

Jeremie was tall for his age, standing at around five foot six [ some people would say that is quite short, until you realise, he is only sixteen]. He had short dark hair like the bristles on a hedgehog [poor hedgehog, I would personally get bored of getting nearly drowned every time Jeremie got a shower]. Jeremie had blue eyes, his mom used to joke about him being a son of Poseidon, [Percy Jackson fan alert!]

He was obsessed with all things Star Wars and especially Darth Vader, however his favourite thing to do on a weekend was going down to the Mersey with his friends and drawing ideas of a Hydro Electric barrage across the river. You see, he was very paranoid about climate change especially flooding, ever since his dad, Geoff, had been carried away on a flood and was never seen again. He knew that if we wanted to stop climate change, we needed to all do our part.


2/5/2018, 9:24pm

Crosby was a quiet town where nothing much really happened. Jeremie’s dad was out for his usual evening stroll along the waterfront. Suddenly, he noticed a change in the weather, and it began to rain cats and dogs…and turtles! The weather shocked Geoff as he had not come prepared for this extreme weather. Within minutes the water was gushing around his feet, how was he going to get back home? He didn’t feel safe.   Suddenly Geoff got swept up by the flowing water, it was fast and furious and there was not much he could do to stop what was happening. He screamed and shouted for help but there was nobody there to come and rescue him as they were all in their houses. Geoff was carried away unnoticed by the big blue angry sea.

Jeremie and his family raised the alarm later that evening when Geoff did not make it home but sadly they could not save him. As Jeremie was known for making music they played one of his songs at Geoff’s funeral.


6/7/2026, 12.30pm

Jeremie stood outside the house of the local MP with his friends, Virgil and Max, holding their plans of a Hydroelectric barrage across the Mersey. The local MP was Virgil’s dad Mr Vladkolski. They usually passed by Mr Vladkolski’ s house on the way back from school to chat about building the barrage and how to process the energy made from it. But, strangely, he was not in. They found a letter under the doormat. This is what the letter said:

I am in a meeting right now and cannot be round the house. I will be back at around 8.30pm, there is some spare curry in the fridge for tea. The meeting is about the barrage. TRADE.CORP do not want us to build it because they use that waterway to ship their cargo to their customers.

It was exactly 8.30pm and a black car pulled up.

“Dad!” cried Virgil.

Mr Vladkolski climbed out of the car

“Virgil, Max and of course Mr Jeremie!” chuckled Mr Vladkolski.

Mr Vladkolski was a big man around 6”5’ with a head of messy brown hair. His eyes were like those of whom are always happy and had a permanent smile on his face, but not today, he had a solemn expression.

“Mum is ill, Virgil,” he said.

Evra Vladkolski was Virgil’s mum and captain of the Slovenian Women’s Tennis team. She was a loved member of the community, and everyone was sad she had fallen ill.

“I am going to take a break off work tomorrow, so you need to gather materials by yourself, look out for my friend Albi he has a list of all the stuff you will need to start the barrage. After you have the materials Albi’s workers will start work immediately, I will talk to the Trade. Corp representative,” said Mr Vladkolski.

Jeremie crossed the street to the car park of BOBBY’S MATERIALS and saw Albi walking towards him with the list of materials.

“My men will start building the barrage whenever you have the materials on the list,” said Albi.

This was the list:

136 bags of cement

10 metal filter wheels

Metal guardrails.

The very next week Albi started construction on the barrage. Jeremie stood on the part of the barrage that had already been built. It was like standing on the brink of insanity, the water was the dark raging pit and the metal guardrails were the only thing keeping him from plunging in. Day after day, night after night they finished the dam. Soon by the end of the summer holidays the dam was finished. It worked magnificently.

The barrage generated enough hydro electric energy to help power most of the town. The following year the town’s fossil fuel usage went down by fifty percent. Geoff would have been so proud of all of Jeremie’s hard work in helping to save our planet.


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