Alex’s Amazon Adventure

By Alexander Ward


In the year of 2026 a boy called Alex was having a daydream about monsters invading the planet but just when he was getting to the good part his mum disturbed him and reminded him to do the homework Mr Charlie had set him for the weekend. So, he got up reluctantly and went to sit at his desk. Alex looked out his bedroom window at what used to be the beautiful world around him which was now wrecked because of deforestation. Alex started the science Mr Charlie had given him, Alex was a bit of a clever clogs when it came to science, but it took him all day to finish it, and his hand was throbbing.

Alex was eight years old when he moved to Brazil, after his dad got a new job away from the city. Life in New York was crazy busy, polluted and not a very nice place to live. Alex remembers when he saw a man chopping down a tree in Central Park, it made him feel angry and frustrated.  As a boy with a love for nature and animals Alex knew the same would be happening in Brazil because that’s where a part of the Amazon rainforest is and Alex had learned in school that if it carries on at its current rate soon there will be no place for the animals to call home, so he was determined to save them.

In Brazil he lived with his mum, dad and sister called Anna. He LOVED football!! (he was the Pele of the streets). Alex was funny, smart, hardworking, resilient, brilliant minded and was dead set on saving the world of deforestation forever.

So, one day, on his fifteenth birthday, Alex and his family took a visit to the Amazon rainforest. They took a walk through the forest, with its big, tall trees and leafy green plants, Alex could not believe his eyes, he had never seen anything so magical in all his life. After walking for about an hour in total amazement, the family were hot and sweaty, and they took a break to get some water and sat down and ate their picnic. When they stood up and set off again through the rainforest they passed part of the magnificent Amazon River. Alex was gobsmacked by all the birds and insects of which he had never seen before but he was also aware of deadly animals like snakes and jaguars. Alex and his family spent the day wandering the forest in awe, looking to see if they could spot a poison dart frog, Alex had seen these in lots of books.

Along his path, Alex came across a sad looking sloth. It looked lost and hungry. Alex was furious; these poor animals are losing their home, he thought. With some help from his sister Anna, Alex managed to coax the sloth over towards him with a banana that he had left over from lunch. How could people do this to these wonderful creatures he thought. The sloth had such a cute little face and was really quite friendly. The sloth munched on the banana whilst Alex thought about what to do next. Eventually Alex carried on walking with the sloth in his backpack to the next village which was a few hours away.

A few hundred bananas later they arrived at the village and gave the sloth to an old man who had promised to keep it safe. Alex decided to name the sloth Hope for his hope to save the sloth and the other animals that lost their homes.

Alex said, “bye…see you later,” and set off again through the Amazon rainforest to find the group of men that were chopping down the trees. Deforestation is destroying our planet and Alex was determined to stop it.


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